Working women: discrimination persists

Women have evolved a lot on a social level in recent years. It is clear that the evolution has been positive; however, this should not lead to self-deception into believing that absolute equality in the workplace is a fact. There is still a long way to go. In addition, there are clear contrasts. On the one hand, there are more female students than males in Spanish universities who study and prepare to face the future of work with optimism.

Labor discriminations by sex

However, at a real level, the options for women to access high positions are not the same if we take into account that these positions are mainly destined for the male gender.  On the other hand, there are still some companies in which women do not earn the same salary as men. A surprising fact, taking into account that any woman develops her role with the ability to improve, perseverance, intelligence, motivation…

In fact, there are women entrepreneurs who have been encouraged to make their dream of creating their own business come true. In this way, they become heads of their company, but at the same time, they generate other jobs.

In the middle of the economic crisis, women have suffered more from the effects of the crisis in terms of unemployment. There are many people who worry about their employment situation and, especially, their future. In fact, the discomfort is aggravated in the case of those who face a period of long-term unemployment.

Labor Day is celebrated on May 1. A perfect occasion to reflect on the hope that both men and especially women need to be able to make their dreams come true in a job market as unstable as the current one.

Well-prepared women

There is another dramatic contrast. Women increasingly have a brighter curriculum, the level of training is increasingly higher and language proficiency is a more than outstanding requirement. However, many highly educated women have to develop functions that are below their means.

Talent is not a matter of gender; that is, there are brilliant men and women who contribute their talent to society. And in turn, if they are lucky enough to be able to work on what they like, they are happy.

The incorporation of women into the labor market has also brought a new reality: work- life balance. While a few generations ago, they stayed at home taking care of the home and the family, today, fortunately, they do not have to give up success in their profession, nor their desire to have a stable family.

However, putting both areas in harmony also involves great emotional exhaustion on many occasions. For example, some women carry a feeling of guilt for not being able to be with their children as much as they would like as a result of work. It is a feeling that is not so common in parents.

Far from generating drama, it is convenient to be optimistic, since the path taken in terms of social equality between men and women has been excellent in recent years.

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