The handsome ones charge more (much more)

Beautiful wishes it”, but unfortunately this is not always the case, especially in the workplace, where more and more physical appearance plays a fundamental role when it comes to finding a job and moving up in the ranks. The professional career contrary to what it might seem, discrimination based on physique is not exclusive to women, but men are also subject to the tyranny of physical beauty.

The handsome ones earn more

We have been fearing it for a long time, but a study has recently been published that shows the salary difference between the most handsome men and the less handsome ones. At least in Australia, an attractive man can earn up to $30,000 more a year than a less attractive one. That is what can be deduced from the study.

The reason why handsome men charge more is not clear, but in a world where aesthetics are so important, nothing surprises us. We can understand that a physically attractive person can generate more trust both among his colleagues and among clients, but we would be talking about professions that involve interaction with the client. And it does not stop seeming unfair to us that physical appearance is valued more than professional merits.

This relationship between beauty and higher wages does not apply to all fields of work, but is limited to private companies. Obviously, a job that is obtained through an opposition does not take into account the physical factor. Nor is there this correlation between beauty and power when we talk about the most influential and wealthy people, since if we take a look at the Forbes list we will see that not all of them are so handsome.

The importance of aesthetics at work

In this way, the employment outlook is discouraging for ordinary mortals. If finding a job isn’t complicated enough, if you’ve spent half your life training to have a resume that companies can take into account, now you have to face one more selection: beauty. It is not surprising that the number of aesthetic operations for work reasons is increasing.

The importance that is being given to beauty in the workplace is probably exaggerated, taking into account that aesthetic canons are subject to fashion and constant changes, although we do understand that there are certain guidelines regarding appearance at work. An image according to the position you hold is essential, but from there to a salary difference for being more or less handsome goes a long way.

As things are getting, with the number of unemployed increasing every day, with the few job offers and the difficulty to even get to the selection process, the only thing we lacked is that now, in addition to having to be youngprepared and experienced, we have to be handsome.

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