How to be more productive at work and have more time for yourself

Have you noticed that there are days when you arrive at work already tired, with your mind blocked and with the feeling that your day is an endless uphill? This way you cannot be productive at work, nor can you enjoy life. That is why it is important that you change some routines and acquire some habits that will help you be more productive and have more time for yourself and your family.

The 3 pillars of productivity at work 

The day has 24 hours and, they say, there is time for everything. But you’re not very sure because you don’t have time for anything. Stress is taking its toll on you and lately you feel that you are not giving your best at work or in your life. Do you want to make better use of your time? Pay attention to the 3 basic pillars of productivity.

1. Organization 

The organization comes first. We do not mean that your workspace is clean and tidy, although it would not be bad if you eliminated everything you do not need from your table. We refer to planning:

  • Plan your day the night before so you don’t get up without really knowing what you have to do.
  • Your agenda is your best friend, don’t open it with hostility. In it you will find everything you have to do in an organized way and also exercises memory functions. She remembers everything for you and that’s one less job you have to do.
  • Set priorities. Organize the tasks in your agenda according to their urgency and also according to their difficulty.
  • Difficult tasks do not count as one, they count as several, remember that when writing them down on the agenda.
  • Leave gaps in the agenda for unforeseen events, as there are every day.
  • Make a realistic plan. No matter how much you write down pending tasks in your agenda, they will not be carried out by magic. Don’t load your day with more than you can do.

2. Energy 

Taking care of yourself is more important than you think. Don’t have time for yourself?  Look for it under the stones because your energy levels depend on that time. And surely you need a lot to face each day.

  • Sleep. This is the most important task to be more productive at work and to be able to cover everything. Do you think sleeping is wasting time? None of that, sleeping you gain energy.
  • Eat well. Food is also key. What does nutrition have to do with productivity at work?  Everything, it has to do with everything because what you eat also gives you or takes away energy, depending on. Special attention to breakfast, a habit that is worth dedicating more time to despite the time it is.
  • Physical exercise. The gurus of success insist that before 9 in the morning they have already had breakfast like princes, have planned the agenda, have meditated to find happiness in themselves and have practiced some physical exercise to activate their body and mind. Since it’s not healthy to get up at 4am, you’d better leave all those things (except breakfast) for the afternoon.
  • Optimize time. Your day doesn’t start when the alarm goes off (no, you can’t turn off the alarm and sleep for 5 more minutes), but the day before. Everything you do the day before can be key to starting the day on the right foot and being more productive.  Have you thought about choosing the clothes that you are going to wear the next day in the afternoon? This way your mornings will be less hectic.

3. Concentration at work

But not all are preparations, at some point you will have to get to work and you must do it consciously. Insisting on this point is important because sometimes we get to work by inertia and we work like automata. This way we save the day and survive another day, but productivity is nowhere to be found.

  • Focus. Focus on what you are doing and not on what you have left to do. That’s what your schedule is for. And if your agenda marks a task for you, don’t look at the next one until you finish it. Is your boss yelling in his office? Focus on your own business and don’t deal with his bad temper unless he approaches you.
  • Facebook. You’re working, in case you hadn’t noticed. Unless you work as a Community Manager, you don’t have to enter Facebook, Twitter or Integra. Neither to participate, nor to gossip. Social networks not only make you lose work time, they also wear out your mind.
  • Phone. Do you need What Sapp to work? If the answer is no, then mute phone notifications. Perhaps turning it off is asking too much, but answering your friend even to say yes, that you’re meeting for coffee this afternoon are distractions that can waste a lot of time. It doesn’t take long to answer, it takes much longer to refocus on the task you were doing.
  • Mail. You may have to answer emails throughout your workday. Reserve a specific time for that task, because if you are happy every time one arrives, you can spend the whole day doing just that. And what you want is to be more productive, right?

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