
Reconciliation: positive for the worker and for the employer

Incorporation of women into the labor market has meant a change in the family structure that sooner or later will also have to be reflected in the work environment. There are many women who are forced to leave their jobs to be able to take care of their children, since in many cases, hiring a good nanny is

Reconciliation: positive for the worker and for the employer Read More »

Women managers: the difficulty of reconciling family and work life

It is not easy for women today to reconcile family life and work. If it’s already hard to get a job, it’s harder to keep it while taking care of your relationship and your children.  There are many women who have given up motherhood to succeed professionally and those who have not given up have seen

Women managers: the difficulty of reconciling family and work life Read More »

We celebrate 100 years of International Women’s Day still without equality

The women who went out to demonstrate on March 19, 1911 to demand “the right to vote, better working conditions and the possibility of holding public office”, according to the UN, could not believe that today, 100 years later, they still do not We have not managed to equalize men in positions of responsibility in companies, nor

We celebrate 100 years of International Women’s Day still without equality Read More »

Create your own company: a solution (not easy) to get out of the crisis

It’s time to reinvent yourself. The economic situation worsens every day and there are no prospects for it to improve. Work is scarce and the little that there is establishes working conditions that nobody would have accepted a few years ago. The luckiest have to resort to moonlighting to make ends meet. You are probably tired of sending resumes to all the companies

Create your own company: a solution (not easy) to get out of the crisis Read More »

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