Author name: JobsInspiration Staff

The blog features articles on a variety of career-related topics, such as how to write a resume and cover letter, how to ace an interview, and how to negotiate a salary. It also offers advice on building a professional network, finding job opportunities, and career development. Additionally, the blog includes personal stories and experiences from professionals in different industries, as well as job search resources and tools.

Working with your dog or cat: a new position in the office

They say (and we confirm it) that the dog is man’s best friend. And, therefore, what is better than sharing an office with your most faithful colleague? There are more and more companies that are convinced of the great benefits of working with your dog or cat.  For this reason, they encourage their workers to bring their pets […]

Working with your dog or cat: a new position in the office Read More »

Companies, in favor of conciliation?

Implementing conciliation programs. According to studies carried out in the United States, there are four factors that influence: 1. Size of the company. 2. Competitiveness in the labor market. 3. Percentage of women on the workforce. 4. Interest in retaining their human resources. There is much research and expert opinion that supports the adoption of reconciliation measures. These are studies that reflect the high

Companies, in favor of conciliation? Read More »

Lottery in times of crisis: the secrets of success… and luck

Study states that the number of lottery players has increased with the crisis. Although the amounts of money invested in the game are smaller, more and more people are encouraged to participate. This is because in times of crisis illusions become essential and the game generates those expectations of success that we all need in

Lottery in times of crisis: the secrets of success… and luck Read More »

Tips to optimize the budget and reach the end of the month: how to reduce expenses

Although there are always those who think that the issue of the crisis “has nothing to do with them”, there are people and institutions that have immediately put their hands on their arsenal of resources -not money, since that is not abundant these days-, and they have set out to minimize the anguish of the

Tips to optimize the budget and reach the end of the month: how to reduce expenses Read More »

Reconciliation: positive for the worker and for the employer

Incorporation of women into the labor market has meant a change in the family structure that sooner or later will also have to be reflected in the work environment. There are many women who are forced to leave their jobs to be able to take care of their children, since in many cases, hiring a good nanny is

Reconciliation: positive for the worker and for the employer Read More »

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